Author Topic: CoW Ep. 210: Little Wonders 8 – The There-It-Is Store & When The Planets Left  (Read 5536 times)


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Episode 210: Little Wonders 8 – Embracing Change

• Authors: Adam Gaylord and J. J. Litke
• Narrators: Dani Daly and Katherine Inskip
• Audio production by Jeremy Carter
The There-It-Is Store originally appeared in T. Gene Davis’s Speculative Fiction Blog.
When The Planets Left is a Cast of Wonders Original!

Our first story is The There-It-Is Store by Adam Gaylord, originally published on T. Gene Davis’s Speculative Fiction Blog.

Adam lives with his wife and daughter in Loveland, Colorado where he’s rarely more than ten feet from either cake or craft beer. His recently released gladiatorial fantasy novel Sol of the Coliseum is all about hope (as in, he hopes you’ll read it). Follow him on Goodreads or his infrequently updated blog.

Your narrator for this story is Dani Daly, our newly minted assistant editor. Dani lives, works, dreams and plays on Long Island, New York with a husband and some cats. She is on Twitter often and updates her blog on very rare occassions when something extra special happens. All her links are available on our newly updated About Us page – check it out!

The bell over the door jingled and Claire hastily tucked her book under the counter. It was one of her favorites and she’d just gotten to the best part. She didn’t want a customer to come in and claim it.


When the Planets Left by J. J. Litke is a Cast of Wonders original. J. J. lives in Austin, Texas, where she writes SFF and moonlights as a graphic design instructor. She can tell you more than you want to know about GREP styles and WordPress development. Her work has also appeared in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine and Farstrider Magazine. You can find her online and on Twitter.

The story is narrated for you by our slush wrangler and also new assistant editor, Katherine Inskip. Katherine teaches astrophysics for a living and spends her (infrequent) spare time populating the universe with worlds of her own, which you can read at her blog, Trisigmatic. She’s on Twitter as well.

Saturn was the first to leave.
Like most people, I didn’t recognize the planets well enough to miss it, and I’m pretty sure Chris was only bragging when he insisted later he’d thought something was off about the night sky. Astronomers noticed, of course, but it took them days to agree that it was literally gone. Headlines blared the news: “Saturn disappears from the solar system!” and “Scientists baffled.”

Click here to listen to Episode 210
Click here to read the text of The There-It-Is Store
Click here to read the text of When the Planets Left

Tags: Adam Gaylord, Cast of Wonders, change, Dani Daly, Fantasy, Flash Fiction, found, J. J. Litke, Jeremy Carter, Katherine Inskip, Little Wonders, lost and found, magic, moving on, mystery, planets, Science Fiction, space, Young Adult fiction
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 04:52:02 PM by danooli »


  • Lochage
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I loved "The There It Is Store." Such a simple little story that tells the reader so much about the characters. Wanted it to be a much longer short story so I could stay with it!


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I like that one too, but I have always been partial to stories about magical stores :)


  • Sir Postsalot
  • Hipparch
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The There-It-Is Store
I tried to glance at the text of "The There-It-Is Store" to refresh myself on what actually happened in the story, and Google Docs told me that I didn't have permission to access that file.  Probably just a matter of flipping a setting on the CoW end?

I tend to be a sucker for magical stores, but I don't remember where it went from there.

When the Planets Left
This was an interesting and weird little magical realism story, wherein our only remaining friend is the moon.  I thought it was interesting and bittersweet.


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Oh darn. I thought we fixed that! Sorry Unblinking! The link is now fixed!


  • Sir Postsalot
  • Hipparch
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Oh yeah!  I liked that the store owner is even able to find just what they needed.

I am so absentminded I would probably be in and out of that story all day every day trying to find my keys or my glasses or my thumb drive.


  • Lochage
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I am so absentminded I would probably be in and out of that story all day every day trying to find my keys or my glasses or my thumb drive.

This is so me, too. Perhaps that's why I liked it - I'm a mess at remembering things!