Job searches, yeah, I'd say 3/4 of the places I've applied to in the past never responded at all. I remember I used to feel happy when I'd get a rejection letter, because I could at least cross that employer off my prospects list, which felt like some kind of progress.
Submitting stories it better, but the "no" still takes a month to get back to you.
I just got a "no" from Strange Horizons after a forty-day wait.

It's especially frustrating because all the Critters seem to think the story was pretty good, so I'm not real sure what to change. I don't think my story was on the "seen too often" list.
I guess I'll send it somewhere else. I've got a short stack of rejections from "Fantasy and Science Fiction." They actually sign their rejection slips. In pen! Maybe someday they'll be worth something to a collector...