Okay, I always lag behind on podcasts, so I'm late to the party, but...
This story needed a great big huge
transphobia warning right at the beginning. I know it was written in the late 80's when we were the kind of people considered unacceptable for polite company or serious science fiction, but we're now in 2018 where we know better.
This story was quite amusing and curious when I thought it was about bicycling (just as Karen did). There we were talking about a different topic near and dear to my heart, the interplay of bicycling, personal sovereignty, and social conformity. But as soon as it switched to menstruation the problems just kind of piled up. Even as the dosent boiled women down to nothing more than their reproductive organs (which, *wow* talk about anti-feminism and buying into the oppresive idea that women good for nothing but their uteruses), the people opposing her couldn't help insisting that *all* women menstruate until they start on this drug.
This just blatantly erases all of the women in this world born without uteruses or with hormone balances that mean that they don't cycle. This is the kind of trans exclusionary rhetoric that turns into erasure and violence, not just against trans women, but against all women whose bodies don't conform to this norm.
Honestly, I really could have used a warning there. If I wanted to spend my morning getting smashed in the face with TERF ideology, I would have gone to read Twitter.