I've been working backwards through the EscapePod catalogue, and am approaching the end of my journey.
I've decided to stop reviewing at episode 750.
This was a fairly arbitrary decision, in terms of which episode number to stop at, but
I have also begun to feel that EA is supporting and promoting policies as a company with which I don't agree and that as a result, perhaps my attention is better spent elsewhere.
I was willing to ignore the sometimes-political statements by the hosts as individuals, they should of course enjoy their freedom of speech, and of course I expect writers will sometimes have a political outlook different from mine, however, I don't feel all that comfortable (or especially welcome) when, as a company, political stances are promoted and presented as something that of course all listeners will be happy to hear and support in turn. (To be fair and honest, I would probably be more comfortable if I agreed with more of these political statements!)
I am here to enjoy stories. I am not here to support political declarations in to which I have zero input and which I may personally oppose.
Moritz, you are not alone in feeling that perhaps Escape Artists has drifted from what I, at least, thought was their core purpose - to share quality stories with the world, while supporting writers.
We might be in a minority, but it is important that Escape Artists be aware they may be losing some listeners due to some of their policies.
I remain grateful to EA for maintaining a catalogue freely available to listeners, I am glad they continue to produce stories, I am impressed by the financial dedication they have shown towards their writers and narrators, and I do not regret being a listener/reviewer (particularly over the past year and a bit) - they have provided a good deal of entertainment, and I thank them and all the writers, narrators, hosts, and production people for their artistic efforts over the years.
I am simply another person questioning if I should continue to support EA into the future given some of the company's political policies and messaging, which I have become more aware of as I've listened (and read) my way through the past years.
When I first began working my way through EscapePod's back catalogue, I entertained notions of going on to work through PseudoPod as a future project. I do not think I will be doing that now.