I didn't find it boring in the least. Really interesting setup, though I too couldn't figure out who Joe was.
I am curious who would want to clone a bunch of Marilyn Monroes and WHY!
I also wonder if the Greys were behind the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.
I think some of the confusion stems from the fact that there were two separate "sci fi" elements going on here:
1) aliens kidnapping various famous people and later releasing them after they'd been presumed dead and
2) some schmuck using alien technology to make a bunch of clones of a dead celebrity.
It was interesting to me that the main problem, in the eyes of the "law", I guess, with the second one, was that the celebrity was actually dead. They seemed to consider this some sort of technology abuse.
But anyway, I guess the point is that either of these alone would make an interesting premise for a story. Both of them mixed together seems like a lot. It works for me though, just makes for lots of interesting and twisty ways for the story to go. A psycho killer thrown into the mix adds an edge of suspense.
And I totally dug the Avenging Marylin at the end. It does make me wonder who she is, how she knew what was going on.. do they have a whole sisterhood of Marilyns? Is her quest now complete, or will she continue to stand for justice in the name of wronged Marylins everywhere?

I dont need answers, it's just fun to speculate!