I really liked this one.
It did exactly what I want SF to do - which is to follow ideas around, and hang enough story off them to give them a human edge, without cluttering things up with car-chases.
In particular, it fits nicely into a personal SF axis mundi of mine which includes The Dead Past, The Stars My Destination and Wikileaks. I may disagree with Tim Pratt, and agree with the provocatively-named Liberator, about the privacy stuff, but I'm glad he wrote about it so entertainingly.
Incidentally, the dodgy neuropsychology can probably be justified because it's clearly in the Comic Book genre. It's the kind of misunderstanding of science Stan Lee would throw into a story. (Ok, not so great for improving understanding of our fellow man, but it's the first step on a learning curve, and meanwhile LOOK! SPACE DINOSAURS!)