Author Topic: On Rewrites, and Subbing Contest Entries to PodCastle  (Read 2551 times)


  • Friendly Neighborhood
  • Hipparch
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    • Psalms & Hymns & Spiritual Noir
on: November 05, 2013, 09:29:34 PM
As I think most of you know, I read every story that was in this contest, and I commented on all of them except the finalists. On some of them, I made suggestions that I thought might improve the stories. On some of them, I said essentially that I'd be happy to look at stories if they were rewritten.

Now that the contest is over, and we've bought a few additional stories, people are bound to ask if they can submit their stories to PodCastle. Keeping in mind that I've already read all the stories, I'd prefer you to only submit a rewrite if I asked for it, or suggested I'd be interested in seeing it after a revision/rewrite. If I did mention that I'd like to see you rewrite the story, then by all means DO IT!  :) Mention in the cover letter that it was in the contest, and I asked to see it reworked. We still may not buy it, but I will give it another look.

If I didn't ask for you to rewrite your story, I think you'd be better off trying to hit us up with a new story you've written (which is what I'd prefer to read that instead).

If you have any general questions, please feel free to hit me up in this thread about it. If you have questions about your specific story, you can PM me, or mention it in your story thread.


  • Sir Postsalot
  • Hipparch
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Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 02:56:42 PM
A general question, more for others than for me, since I've already talked to you about the story I revised.

If a person submits a story based on such a revision suggestion/request, should they send it to the usual submission address or the editorial address  Or something else?  Normally for a rewrite request I'd send directly to the editor who requested it, but since this was a little different format and the rewrite requests were less formal, I'm not sure what you'd expect.  :)


  • Friendly Neighborhood
  • Hipparch
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  • Posts: 4961
  • PodCastle is my Co-Pilot
    • Psalms & Hymns & Spiritual Noir
Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 03:11:02 PM
Please send them to the submissions address.