Hi Escape Podders,
I am one of those people who likes lists and have spent countless joyous hours reading all sorts of random lists across the internet. And when Escape Pod reached its 700th episode, I decided to create a list of my own-- a list of my favorite 20 stories from the past 200 episodes of Escape Pod (Episodes 500-699). You see, although I flirt with a number of Sci Fi podcasts-- enjoying a good Lightspeed episode, dabbling into some Drabblecast, and catching the occasional Clarkesworld or Uncanny-- my favorite of the bunch has always been Escape Pod. I began tuning in around episode 500 or so, and have been loyal listener from week to week. When I discovered I had been listening for 200 episodes, I though I would mark the occasion of a list of my own personal highlights. Thanks to the Escape Pod crew for all the great stories and look forward to more in the weeks to come!

One sidenote, while I enjoy the Flashback Fridays, I decided not to include them in this particular list... Also, not a lot of spoliers here, but I marked them out just in case. Therefore, without further ado...
20. Episode 632-633 Lucky Shot by Gerri Leen
http://escapepod.org/2018/06/14/escape-pod-632-lucky-shot-part-1/A really beautiful story about two beings on the opposite side of a war, coming together.
19. Episode 666 This Wine-Dark Feeling That Isn't The Blues by José Pablo Iriarte
http://escapepod.org/2019/02/07/escape-pod-666-this-wine-dark-feeling-that-isnt-the-blues/Such a creative set-up for a story. I never considered DDOS'ing God, but it seems like a logical plan. Perhaps my favorite title of an Escape Pod story as well.
18. Episode 671 Octonet by Keyan Bowes
http://escapepod.org/2019/03/14/escape-pod-671-octonet-artemis-rising/I remember reading this story and being blown away by it. I loved imagining the octupuses chilling out with some cell phones. Amazing ideas, and a solid story as well!
17. 652-655 And Ten There Were (N-One) by Sarah Pinsker
http://escapepod.org/2018/11/22/escape-pod-655-and-then-there-were-n-one-part-4/A great story! Truly a mystery for the multi-verse! I enjoyed all the versions of Sarah and the mystery that unfolded within the story. It also made me reflect on my own life and the diverging paths that made me.
16. 575 Red Kelly Owns the Moon by Shaenon K. Garrity
http://escapepod.org/2017/05/11/ep575-red-kelly-owns-the-moon/This is another story that blew me away with its simple beauty.
15. 513 Adaption and Predation by Auston Habershaw
http://escapepod.org/2015/12/11/ep513-adaptation-and-predation/A really fun story! I loved the story of this unusual assassin perfectly adapted to a dangerous world.
14. 511 The Lone and Level Sands by Marco Panessa
http://escapepod.org/2015/11/19/ep511-the-lone-and-level-sands/This one had a real Golden Age feel to it. Huge ideas, wonderfully executed.
13. 510 Them Ships by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
http://escapepod.org/2015/11/12/ep510-them-ships/I loved the main character in this story, her perspective, and the author showing how differently an alien invasion might look to different people. I also remember Alasdair's comments at the end as being insightful.
12. 512 The Semaphore Society by Kate Heartfield
http://escapepod.org/2015/12/02/ep512-the-semaphore-society/This was really a hidden gem. I loved the perspective of the main character adjusting to her disability, using a very realistic technology, and helping a friend somewhere in cyberspace.
11. 500 The Man Who Lost the Sea by Theodore Sturgeon
http://escapepod.org/2015/09/04/ep500-the-man-who-lost-the-sea/I don't think I will ever forget the ending line to this one. Fantastic!
10. 607 Red in Tooth and Cog by Cat Rambo
http://escapepod.org/2017/12/21/escape-pod-607-red-tooth-cog/Loved this story of the evolving machines out in the wilds. Absolutely grand ideas.
9. 514 M.F.ing Retroparty Freestyle by Rich Larson
http://escapepod.org/2015/12/22/ep514-m-f-ing-retroparty-freestyle/Here is another great one from Rich Larson, who is probably the most consistently good author I have ever read. Loved this story and his "Tomorrow Factory" collection by the way, is definitely in my top three favorite short story collections.
8. 644-645 The Revolution Brought to You by Nike
http://escapepod.org/2018/09/06/escape-pod-644-the-revolution-brought-to-you-by-nike-part-1/When I was younger, I always assumed corporations were evil. I still think they can do very bad things, but they can also do some really good things as well. I liked the authors discussion of corporations really being a collection of people, people who can do great and terrible things. It was also a very timely story I think.
7. 689 Spectrum of Acceptance Nyla Bright
http://escapepod.org/2019/07/18/escape-pod-689-spectrum-of-acceptance/What a fascinating read! The world was amazing and felt so very real. I also remember being very touched by the mother and daughters conversation.
6. 586 The First Annual Lunar Biathlon by Rachael K. Jones
http://escapepod.org/2017/07/27/ep586-the-1st-annual-lunar-biathlon/I am a sucker for a good love story. This was a good love story.
5. 624 Fandom for Robots by Vina Jie-Min Prasad
http://escapepod.org/2018/04/19/escape-pod-624-fandom-for-robots/Such a fun and beautiful story! I loved the robot and his interaction with fandom.
4. 559 Vegetablemen in Peanut Town by August Marion
http://escapepod.org/2017/01/20/ep559-vegetablemen-in-peanut-town/Perhaps the most fun I ever had listening to a story!
3. 576 Karma Among the Cloud Kings by Brian Trent
http://escapepod.org/2017/05/18/ep576-karma-among-the-cloud-kings/I am a sucker for setting and absolutely loved the world in this one!
2. 589 Seb Dreams of Reincarnation by Aimee Ogden
http://escapepod.org/2017/08/17/ep589-seb-dreams-of-reincarnation/This was just an amazing story! The character and his motivations totally made sense to me. It was very moving.
1. 525 Among the Living by John Markley
http://escapepod.org/2016/03/18/ep525-among-the-living/God, I loved this story! Great reading too with the AI! It is like being thrown into a really good and impactful action movie with a lot of vivid descriptions and high-quality writing.
I am curious what others think of my list and wonder if others might have lists of their own.
Anyways, thanks again and all the best everyone!