Here's my list of kept EP episodes:
EP175: Reparations By Merrie Haskell. Read by Mary Robinette Kowal.
EP169: How I Mounted Goldie, Saved My Partner Lori, and Sniffed Out The People’s Justice By Jonathon Sullivan. Read by Stephen Eley and Jennifer Bowie (of Screen Space).
EP166: The Something-Dreaming Game By Elizabeth Bear. Read by Mur Lafferty (of The Takeover and The Murverse).
EP160: Kalakkak’s Cousins By Cat Rambo. Read by Stephen Eley.
EP157: A Small Room in Koboldtown Hugo Nominee! By Michael Swanwick. Read by Cheyenne Wright (of Arcane Times and Girl Genius).
EP155: Tideline 2008 Hugo Nominee! By Elizabeth Bear. Read by Stephen Eley.
EP138: In the Late December Nebula Award Nominee! By Greg van Eekhout. Read by Stephen Eley.
EP131: Hesperia and Glory By Ann Leckie. Read by Frank Key (of Hooting Yard).
EP109: Squonk the Apprentice By P.M. Butler. Read by Stephen and Anna Eley.
EP099: Start the Clock By Benjamin Rosenbaum. Read by Chris Fisher (of The Adult Space Childfree Podcast).
EP Flash: Printcrime By Cory Doctorow. Read by Karen Roman.
EP087: Authorwerx By Greg van Eekhout. Read by Stephen Eley.
EP070: Squonk the Dragon By P.M. Butler
EP054: Tk’tk’tk By David D. Levine. Read by Paul Tevis (of Have Games Will Travel).
EP Flash: One Million Years B.F.E. By Merrie Haskell. Read by Deborah Green.
EP038: L’Alchimista By N.K. Jemisin. Read by Paul Tevis (of Have Games, Will Travel).
EP037: Craphound By Cory Doctorow. Read by Jesse Thorn (of The Sound of Young America).
EP030: Aliens Love Oranges By Sue Burke. Read by Mur Lafferty (of Geek Fu Action Grip).
EP016: Seamstress By Sarah Prineas. Read by Deborah Green.
Though most of these are simply favorite episodes, some of my favorites aren't here, such as Samantha Henderson's "Cinderella Suicide" because I listened to it like 17 times in a row when it came out, and I'm pretty sure I'm never going to listen to it again, even though I loved it deeply and want to marry it and have its babies. It's not a casual listen, or an easy listen, like many of the others. You'll note there's a preponderance of later episodes, some of those are just ones I want to listen to again before I delete. I can't promise I'll be keeping both the Elizabeth Bear stories, frex, or the Cat Rambo story. I seem to be slanted toward award nominees, which amuses me, since I spend a lot of time bitching at how terrible most of the award nominees are. Apparently I don't think they're ALL that crappy.
I also seem to be given to certain readers. I didn't realize, frex, how partial I am to Mur's reading style (so long as it's not her own stuff, which I find fine and enjoyable, but not good enough to keep). I'm probably the only person on the planet who counts EP 30 among their favorites...I think most people hated it, and it's mostly Mur's reading that made it so lovely to me. And about Tk'Tk'Tk (another award nominee iirc)...I'm not sure it's a favorite. It's something I still need to think about and digest, and I'm hanging onto it because I'm not done with it, not because I love it, though maybe after I'm done thinking about it I will love it. Apparently I'm a sucker for Cory Doctorow as well as Eekhout. which I hadn't noticed.
"Start the Clock", "L'ALchimista", "Authorwerx" and "Hesperia and Glory" are straight up stories I ADORE. "How I Mounted Goldie" will likely end up as one of those, although it's too soon to say.