We received 121 submissions. An excellent number, as well as a palindrome. These stories have been put into 10 groups, each with 12 stories. Mostly. One unlucky group has 13. You may vote for up to 3 stories in each group. You are allowed to vote for your own stories, but not allowed to reveal which stories are yours. Author names will be revealed as soon as a story is knocked out of the competition. Voting in each group will be live for one week. A new group will be posted every three days. Hopefully this will give less voter fatigue than the every-other-day schedule in the previous contests.
If after voting ends a group has a tie for third place, a tiebreaker poll will be posted. Tiebreakers will last only 3 days. Ties in tiebreakers will be decided by Talia and I (hey, it's the only time we get to vote!)
After voting in all groups is completed, the semi-finals will begin. The 30 stories will be divided into 3 groups of 10. Each semi-final will contain at least 3 stories that won their initial group. Once again, voting will last 7 days, and a new group placed up every 3. Tiebreaker polls will again be used as needed.
The finals will be 9 stories, with three winners going on to be produced by Podcastle. Voting will last a week, and hopefully no tiebreaker will be needed.

I make no promises on holding to an exact schedule, but here's the general idea:
Group 1: Sept 5-12
Group 2: Sept 8-15
Group 3: Sept 11-18
Group 4: Sept 14-21
Group 5: Sept 17-24
Group 6: Sept 20-27
Group 7: Sept 23-30
Group 8: Sept 26-Oct 3
Group 9: Sept 29-Oct 6
Group 10: Oct 2-9
For the Semis, we'll have a new group posted every 2 days.
Semi-final A: Oct 10-18
Semi-final B: Oct 12-20
Semi-final C: Oct 14-22
Final: Oct 23-Nov 1 (or Oct 26-Nov 4 if semi-final tiebreaker is needed)
Whew! That seems like a long time from now, but there's a lot of stories to vote on. And I'm sure the winners are going to be fantastic, and some well beloved stories aren't going to make the cut. Of course, the editors reserve the right to purchase any stories they like regardless of how far they get in the voting, as well as purchasing the top 3 finalists.