I'm still trying to sort out what I want to say about the story. Maybe I'll come back if I think of something more profound than "Wow".
But because this is episode 500, I might as well reminisce a little, as I might have had I phoned in.
Escape pod was one of the first two podcasts I listened to, the other being the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe; I don't remember which of those two was first, though. I started listening with episode 101, The 43 Antarean Dynasties, and after that there was no way I wasn't going to keep listening. I went back to the beginning and caught up, and listened to PseudoPod and PodCastle when they got spun off, so in total I'm pretty sure that Escape Artists have provided me with about a billion hours of quality entertainment, and introduced me to countless authors I'd never have otherwise heard of - Mur Lafferty, Cat Rambo, Kameron Hurley, M. K. Hobson, N. K. Jemisin, Mary Robinette Kowal...
Episodes that have stuck with me include Even Vadsø Thaws by Bruce Holland Rogers (Ep 40), How Lonesome a Life Without Nerve Gas by James Trimarco (Ep90), Impossible Dreams by Tim Pratt (Ep 105), Conversations With and About My Electric Toothbrush by Derek Zumsteg (Ep 115), Friction by Will McIntosh (Ep 144)... I'm going to stop there, because I could literally list half the episodes and not feel bad about it. But if you want to go back and listen to something you've not heard in years, you could do worse than choose those ones.
Anyway, Thank you so much for everything you've done. Escape Artists makes my life unquestionably better. I'm counting on you to keep going until at least the heat death of the universe. AT LEAST.
PS: I still kinda miss Steve. It would be cool if he could drop in for a narration or something, but I mostly hope he's doing well. Special thanks to you Steve, for all the good times.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2015, 01:14:26 AM by wintermute »
Science means that not all dreams can come true