Author Topic: How big is your podcast backlog?  (Read 73727 times)


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Reply #50 on: December 18, 2008, 05:44:42 AM
Thanks for the Dan Carlin recommendation.  As far as a right-leaning show, you might check out Andrew Wilkow.  I listen to his radio show on Sirius sometimes.  I also enjoyed Jerry Doyle's show when it was on Sirius.  I've been thinking about subscribing, but my plate is pretty full.  He's more libertarian than conservative, though.

Jerry "Michael Garabaldi" Doyle?  I had no idea he had a political podcast.  As for what I'm looking for in a "right-leaning" or "conservative" podcast, I'm looking for something by people pretty much on the side of the current administration (the one that's on the outs come next month) ... sort of like FOX News but more grounded in reality and with less vitriol.  Something like the tone of Dani Cutler's podcast but from the other side.  I've already got her for the left and Carlin for the "middle" (if disparaging both sides counts as being "middle").

I see that Mr. Doyle's podcast is by pay-subscription only.  I'm not ready to take that step yet.  :(
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 05:47:09 AM by stePH »

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Reply #51 on: December 18, 2008, 08:33:52 AM

so my search goes on for a right-leaning podcast that I can stand to listen to for more than a few minutes at a time; I'm open to suggestions.

The Cato Daily Podcast is a principled Libertarian perspective -- I'm not sure if that's what you mean by Conservative or not.  While they seem to do a certain amount of their research in a parallel universe, for me, that's the idea behind listening to a viewpoint I disagree with.

I don't listen to their podcasts, but I grew up in the DC think tank culture and some of their reports I've read reflect that research-in-parallel universe thing.

stePH, would you say that you are looking for a David Brooks type of conservative? I know he does a weekly session on NPR's All Things Considered against E.J. Dionne, but I'm not aware of him doing any other audio.

I Twitter. I also occasionally blog on the Escape Pod blog, which if you're here you shouldn't have much trouble finding.


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Reply #52 on: December 18, 2008, 08:49:23 AM
Owner of an 80 GB iPod classic, with 361 unplayed podcasts, totalling 11.7 days:

• Escape Pod (caught up)
• Mr. Diety (faded, probably not coming back; according to Brian Keith Dalton, it IS coming back for a third season, though no date has been set yet)
• New Yorker: Fiction (just subscribed last week, 19 unplayed)
• NPR: Story of the Day (caught up; I delete uninteresting titles without listening)
• NPR: Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (caught up)
• Podcastle (12 unplayed caught up)
• PRI: Selected Shorts ([18 unplayed)
• Spider on the Web (48 unplayed)
• Starship Sofa (77 unplayed) - I got into this one because they posted Spider Robinson reading his "Melancholy Elephants", but I really don't like the host's voice, so this one may go.
• Stranger Things TV (caught up) - I was impressed with the first few, but this last one (3 parts) was a poor story.  The production quality is great, but if the story is boring, who cares?
• This American Life (13 unplayed) - I cull this one like NPR SoTD; anything with a boring title gets deleted unplayed.
• Variant Frequencies (82 unplayed) - I subscribed because it was recommended, but haven't listened yet.
• X Minus One (80 unplayed) - Same as VF

I keep up with Escape Pod and both NPRs, and once I get caught up with Podcastle, I'll keep up with it as well.

I keep audiobooks separate, even if they were acquired as podcasts (e.g. Playing for Keeps).  I had read all of the first six Harry Potter books, the last four almost immediately after they were released, but never seemed to find time to get into book seven.  When I realized I was spending a lot more time in my car than before, I bought the audiobook on CDs, ripped it to mp3s and loaded it to my iPod.  It was so much more satisfying, I found, though before the movies come out, I'll read the book (again?).  I, too, love Mur Lafferty's stories, as well as when she reads stories by other authors for EP or PC.

Edit:  changed Mr. Deity and Podcastle

« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 01:31:35 AM by izzardfan »


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Reply #53 on: December 18, 2008, 02:14:03 PM
stePH, would you say that you are looking for a David Brooks type of conservative? I know he does a weekly session on NPR's All Things Considered against E.J. Dionne, but I'm not aware of him doing any other audio.

Wasn't previously familiar with him, but from what little I've just been able to Google (including an entry at Dickipedia), he seems to fit.  Too bad there's no podcast, but in lieu I suppose I can read his NYT column online.  I also see there are audio clips available at NYT.

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Reply #54 on: December 18, 2008, 03:41:01 PM
I just cleared three PolyWeeklys cooking last night, and one Dunesteef this morning.

so my search goes on for a right-leaning podcast that I can stand to listen to for more than a few minutes at a time; I'm open to suggestions.

I recommend AGAINST Andrea Shea-King. She's my friend, and I used to produce her Sunday radio show, but... imagine Ann Coulter as a kind but stern grandmother or aunt. That's Andrea.

I didn't know Doyle had a show either until I checked my old radio station's site. They air him in the overnights.

Mike Gallagher is funny, but a little yelly.

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Reply #55 on: January 28, 2009, 11:02:28 AM
The scythe was at work again.  I cut all three of my song of the day podcasts.


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Reply #56 on: January 28, 2009, 01:21:58 PM
I'm up to 53 episodes in my queue of the various shows I listen to. However, 12 are Cory Doctorow stories that are evergreen, plus I have the last five months of Nobilis. Cut all that out and I'm not THAT far behind.

When football season's over I get to listen to a lot more.

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Reply #57 on: February 08, 2009, 03:17:41 AM
Let's see- Some of my more favorite shows podfaded- or finished up, thus no longer sit in my catcher. Here's what's either waiting to be listned to, waiting to be updated, or waiting to be cut

Arcane Tales- still to new to have a good grip on
Christiana's Shallow Thoughts- may well be culled
The Classic Tales- OMG I love this
Dan Carlins Hardcore History- so awesome, he dosn't update often enough
DWO whocast- 'cause I fangirl
The Drabblecast- yay
The Dunsteef Audio Fiction MAgazine
The Escape Trilogy plus Escape Archive
Miettes Bedtime Story- May soon be culled. Her voice is nice, the stories are ofen too lulling and quite literealy will put me to sleep. Not comfie with ear buds in
The Moth
Mur LAfferty presents the Takeover + The Murverse
Onion News
Pendant Productions- once upon a time in Vegas
The Princeton Review- Vocabulary Minute
The Public Speakers tips
The Radio adventures of Doctor Floyd - so so geeky kid cool
Scott Sigler Audio Books- just got started on these.
Sex is Fun
Spider on the web- just subscribed Thanks Izz!
StarShipSofa- great stories but this mans voice is REALLY hard to listen to.
Stuff you should know
Transmissions from Beyond
60 second Psych and 60 second Science.

Oh, great and mighty Alasdair, Orator Maleficent, He of the Silvered Tongue, guide this humble fangirl past jumping up and down and squeeing upon hearing the greatness of Thy voice.
Oh mighty Mur the Magnificent. I am not worthy.


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Reply #58 on: February 08, 2009, 03:43:21 AM

I've listened to all of the flash fiction, all of the Union Dues and two other full-length episodes ("Cold Duty" and "The Last Dog" because it's Mike Resnick).  It's not a high priority for me to listen to these due to the quality (see here for explanation)

Spider on the web- just subscribed Thanks Izz!

You're quite welcome!  He's my second favorite author, after Robert Heinlein.

StarShipSofa- great stories but this mans voice is REALLY hard to listen to.

I know!  This may be one of those where I skip the intros & outros and just listen to the stories.


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Reply #59 on: April 08, 2009, 04:10:55 PM
Dan Carlins Hardcore History- so awesome, he dosn't update often enough
Agreed; he seems to be bimonthly with that one now.  Common Sense is more frequent, but still takes around 2 weeks between shows.  Not enough people kicking in for the Ben-a-thons, I guess?

My backlog of unplayed 'casts has grown since I've been unemployed.  I used to take my lunch hour for listening, and sometimes I'd get to listen in the car too.  Now all that's gone, and I only listen occasionally at bedtime, or if I'm doing yardwork (spent a couple of hours weeding yesterday) or grilling some meat on the back deck.

Currently subscribed to (not counting audiobooks):
  • Beatnik Turtle's Song of the Day (because of the mention of the new album on Geo Hrab's podcast)
  • clonepod
  • Common Sense with Dan Carlin
  • Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
  • DWO Whocast
  • Escape Pod
  • Geologic Podcast (shameless Geo fanboy here!)
  • Maximum PC No BS Podcast
  • PC Gamer Podcast
  • Podcastle
  • Pseudopod
  • Sessions with Slau (again because of Geo)
  • Soccergirl, Inc. (can't seem to sustain interest in this one despite various raves)
  • Truth Seekers Podcast
  • Variant Frequencies
  • WNYC's Radio Lab (just added a couple of days ago)

I haven't listened to the last two weeks of EP or PC, and Pseudopod's been languishing a long time (I've been stuck at "Akropolis" forever, and haven't even touched the newer episodes since my aim was to work through the series front-to-back.) 

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Reply #60 on: April 08, 2009, 08:46:26 PM
Izz: as to SSS- depends on the intro. A lot of them get the scrool through, especially when he gets more long winded then usual, but the stories are worth it, almost every time. As to Robinson and Heinlien, if you claim a fondness for hardboiled dective books and/or urban fantasy and I'll be forced to abduct you so we can compare libraries.

Steph, I havn't given Carlins other cast a try yet, I'm willing to give it a go, his passion for his subjects is facinating.

Oh, great and mighty Alasdair, Orator Maleficent, He of the Silvered Tongue, guide this humble fangirl past jumping up and down and squeeing upon hearing the greatness of Thy voice.
Oh mighty Mur the Magnificent. I am not worthy.


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Reply #61 on: April 08, 2009, 08:50:30 PM
Steph, I havn't given Carlins other cast a try yet, I'm willing to give it a go, his passion for his subjects is facinating.

I like his manner of speaking; he reminds me of Tom Leykis's show (back in 1993-1994 before it went all lowbrow.)  And it comes out about three or four times more frequently than Hardcore History!  ;D

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


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Reply #62 on: April 10, 2009, 09:12:00 AM
Izz: as to SSS- depends on the intro. A lot of them get the scrool through, especially when he gets more long winded then usual, but the stories are worth it, almost every time. As to Robinson and Heinlien, if you claim a fondness for hardboiled dective books and/or urban fantasy and I'll be forced to abduct you so we can compare libraries.

Guilty on the detective books, though I'm not sure what qualifies as hardboiled.  I started years ago (even before my science fiction days) with all the Hercule Poirot and a few Miss Marple stories from Agatha Christie.  I'm a huge fan of Isaac Asimov's Tales of the Black Widowers, and I used to enjoy P.D. James, but only those with Adam Dalgliesh, and lately, not even those.  I'm up to N is for Noose in Sue Grafton's series, but have been stuck there for quite a while, as I have been listening to EscapePod and Podcastle instead.  And I'm also a Harry Potter fan, and read all the Vampire Chronicles and Witch books by Anne Rice.

I prefer procedurals on TV (CSI, Bones, NCIS, Eleventh Hour, The Mentalist, Castle--Nathan Fillion, swoon!--, Psych), and science fiction (Doctor Who/Torchwood, Eureka, Fringe, Sanctuary).  I just started recording The Unusuals but haven't watched any yet.  I loved The Middleman and The Dresden Files and hated that they were cancelled.

We're moving next week from Southern California to Oregon so I may miss a few of my favorites en route, but can probably catch up online.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 09:28:32 AM by izzardfan »


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Reply #63 on: April 10, 2009, 06:05:45 PM
We're moving next week from Southern California to Oregon so I may miss a few of my favorites en route, but can probably catch up online.
Hey, what part of Oregon?  If Portland, you'll have to come 'round and say hi.

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


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Reply #64 on: April 10, 2009, 06:31:10 PM
* More than 15 episodes of Nobilis.
* Two Cory Doctorow podcast novels.
* 1 PP
* 1 AOMS
* 3 Soccergirl
* 4 Ask a Ninja
* 1 Geologic

I think I'm just over 50 total. But I have a long solo drive coming up (ATL -> Asheville NC) so I should be able to clear some of it.

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Reply #65 on: April 10, 2009, 08:43:34 PM
Recently added a bunch of poker podcasts to my list.  Escape Artists got moved to the back burner, along with some other fiction podcasts.  I didn't finish the last few podcastle stories, so I think I'll wait a while before attempting the latest giant.

I'm working my way through All Strategy (Daniel Negreanu co-hosts).  I'm sampling a few others.


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Reply #66 on: April 10, 2009, 08:45:40 PM
As to Robinson and Heinlien, if you claim a fondness for hardboiled dective books and/or urban fantasy and I'll be forced to abduct you so we can compare libraries.

Are you on LibraryThing?  My whole library is entered and viewable as of last night.

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


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Reply #67 on: April 11, 2009, 12:08:15 AM
Steph- I plan on getting on it, is it hard to set up? I have quite a few books..

Oh, great and mighty Alasdair, Orator Maleficent, He of the Silvered Tongue, guide this humble fangirl past jumping up and down and squeeing upon hearing the greatness of Thy voice.
Oh mighty Mur the Magnificent. I am not worthy.


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Reply #68 on: April 11, 2009, 02:48:01 AM
Steph- I plan on getting on it, is it hard to set up?

Not really.  Register your account, then start plugging in ISBNs if you got 'em, or title/author if not.  Depending on how anal-retentive you are, it might be a bit of a chore to look for the exact matching edition and/or cover, but it's pretty simple.  One thing, you'll have to pay up if you want to enter more than 201 books ($10 per year or $25 for lifetime).

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


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Reply #69 on: April 12, 2009, 06:00:16 AM
We're moving next week from Southern California to Oregon so I may miss a few of my favorites en route, but can probably catch up online.
Hey, what part of Oregon?  If Portland, you'll have to come 'round and say hi.

Hillsboro, west of Portland.  I think we discussed this in the map folder a while back?


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Reply #70 on: April 12, 2009, 06:52:04 AM
Hillsboro, west of Portland.  I think we discussed this in the map folder a while back?
Might have, but I have a memory like a ... what are those leaky things called?

Anyway, Hillsboro is waythehellandgone out west from where I'm at; nearly an hour's drive.  But we'll still be technically neighbors.  :)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 09:52:29 PM by stePH »

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising

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Reply #71 on: April 16, 2009, 05:26:07 PM
17.4 days.

Yeesh.  I don't even get that many vacation and sick days per year combined.

And that doesn't include the roughly 4.4 gigs of downloaded stuff I haven't added to my player yet.

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Reply #72 on: October 04, 2013, 04:08:50 PM
Wow, a lot of time has passed. I've got a long commute now since moving out to Cedar Mill, so izzardfan I'm a closer neighbor now if you're still in Hillsboro. But I've culled my podcasts down to what almost fills my commute time - I fill the rest of the time by reading on my r00ted B&N Nook Tablet, "Barnabas".

The Nerdist (updates 3x weekly, average episode 80 min)
The Indoor Kids (average episode 80 min)
The Geologic Podcast (still)
The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe
Common Sense with Dan Carlin
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Most of the time this leaves me with no backlog, unless some of the regular podcasts go long or Dan Carlin drops a 4-hour-plus history episode. And I'm thinking of dropping the axe on The Indoor Kids, since I don't play most of the games they talk about - but I just enjoy listening to Kumail and Emily, and usually Jordan as well.

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


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Reply #73 on: October 04, 2013, 04:18:51 PM
...also raving_lunatic, I started putting music on my iPod and listening to it at work a few years back, and upgraded to a 8GiB Nano 3rd-gen (no Radiohead though, sorry  ;) )
But that's been demoted to a strictly-podcast device again, as I now use Barnabas at work for music playing - a 32GiB micro-SD card (the largest a Nook Tablet can handle) plus Rocket Player for Android gives me 4x more album-shuffling goodness than Rover II did.

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising