What a fun story! Excellently written and perfectly presented.
I usually think profanity is mis- and over-used in fiction. I think the world could do with far less of it. This is not a popular thing to say on the Internet, as it seems most people believe that "fuck" is a very versatile and satisfying word and feel they should practice using it. Nevertheless, perhaps because I'm a glutton for punishment, I'll say that most profanity could be replaced with grunts and nothing would be lost but unpleasant linguistic connotations. I hate when people who are more than capable of eloquently expressing themselves (as most published writers are) revert instead to callous babbling profanity.
I tell you this so you'll understand that it's a big deal for me to say that I enjoyed (some of) the profanity in this story. It was actually well-used, and even occasionally made me laugh. It's stories like these that keep me from automatically skipping stories that Steve has rated "R", even though I often wish I had.
One last comment, about the outtro. Ragtime, my hat's off to you man, that was beautiful. Thanks to Steve for sharing it, since (as my post count shows) I've only recently started reading the forums.
Also, I thought I'd point out that the promo for "Crimewav" did not make me want to go listen. In fact, it completely turned me off to the whole idea. It wasn't the content so much as the delivery. The promoter read his lines with a faux-homey flair that fell completely flat. I'm sure that at least some of my irritation was due to the contrast to Steves straight-up delivery. I thought, "If this is what they're serving, I'm not interested."
In fact, this is not the first time this has happened with a podcast promotion on Escape Pod. The content interests, but the delivery deters. Just thought you might like to know.