Here we go again. Granted some of these aren't puns, and some are weak, but I'll at least try to be clever:
PP 12, Skinwalker Deception: My cup o' tea!
PP 13, Redmonds Private Screening: While listening to this, I kept yelling, "Cut!"
PP 14, Virginia Woods: I was afraid it would be too long.
PP 15, Regis St. George: Was it Howie St Mandell? Deal or No Deal?
PP 16, Medicinal: Screwball, corner pocket.
PP 17, Upon a Midnight Clear: I do believe in Santa's Claws!
PP 18, Oranges, Lemons and Thou: A little sweet and sour.
PP 19, Through Corridors: Gives new meaning to worm holes.
PP 20, What You Wish For: Fantastic!
PP 21, Fetal Position: Someone needed to cut the apron strings.
PP 22, Them Eyes: (The one I was thinking of was used, but here it is) Guess he bought the farm.
PP 23, Civilized Monsters: I just ate this one up and am Ravenous for more.
PP 24, Honest Ghosts: I'm having a mental block, and need some inspiration.
PP 25, Fetching Pepe: I wasn't even temporarily fooled by this.
PP 26, Flat Diane. I had a pun for this early on, but by the end, I decided against one.
Well, that wraps up Disc 1, I'll work on typing up Disc 2 tomorrow.