Is it wrong, not wanting to see this end?
It is wrong, using nine words.
Forgive me, master. I'll try again.
These are remarkably useful writing tools.
"Alien investigation" is a probe probe.
No! Never! I refuse! Well, okay.
Under her skin, I felt scales.
Murder-suicide in '82. Grandfather paradox.
That disturbing grin... Where's my hammer?
"Seventy virgins? Pfft! Got seven sluts?"
"I love you!" His reply? Laughter.
Never anger a girl with super-strength.
I miss yesterday. Let's go visit!
I recoil. She advances. Surrender follows.
Her touch still feels like metal.
My belt, sadly, protects no chasity.
I could swear the nanites tickle.
AGH! Brain freeze! Cryokinesis sucks sometimes.
"I never lie," Lucifer said, grinning.
Tentacles writhed noticibly under her skirt.
I met God today. Nice hair.
What could possibly come next? Revelations.