I enjoyed this story. Perhaps it was the reading, but the women really sounded like morons. I think that the dude should have been portrayed a little more moronic as well. His thought process was a little absurd. But maybe my thought processes would trend absurd if candy started coming out of the faucet.
I didn't mean to make the women sound stupid - the yoga/granola/tofu lady just seemed like she would have that kind of over-enthused voice, and the lines written for her were kinda flaky to begin with. I had to work with what I was given. She was brave enough to accompany Gary in his trek to the Maintenance closet, and thoughtful enough to bring him something for lunch that *HE* would enjoy (and not force her tofu/granola on him), so voicetones aren't everything to go on when judging.
for Vivian's voice, she seemed to be a somewhat less emotional, somewhat less passionate character, tho she did care about the kids, so I was just making her sound borderline snooty, given her chain-smoking and teeth-whitening cycle of life.
The girlfriend was sick, cut her some slack. and I don't think the whole piece would've been convincing if it had been narrated by a dumb-sounding guy. This aint Forrest Gump.
The lady on the phone - she of the "sun sign" question - was indeed a moron.