Author Topic: User Names  (Read 63118 times)


  • Palmer
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Reply #75 on: June 17, 2008, 07:00:20 AM
This might be the one community where I don't need to explain where my username came from.

I use it pretty much everywhere online, though I'm apparently not the only wintermute out there (though I might be the only one who insists on lower case: There is only one Wintermute, and I am not It), so I sometimes need to add the numbers 23 or 115 to then end.

After reading this, I curiously looked up my own username. I am not a 35 year old biker. Or German. Apparently the direct translation of my whole username in German is "run for sale." Does anyone know what that is supposed to mean?
It actually took me a while to come up with. "Lief" is archaic and means ready or willing, and "feil" is Norwegian for "wrong", so it's "willing to be wrong". And it's a palindrome... I like languages.
And yes, I am of the generation that has their worldly achievements posted online, and so likes a little privacy in some areas. For a while, my photo was the first hit when my high school was Googled. No one could figure out why. It was sort of creepy.'ve got three metric seconds.


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Reply #76 on: June 30, 2008, 11:36:40 PM
So, uh, Russel, on that regeneration thing, your avatar wouldn't happen to indicate that you might know a little more on that front, would it, perchance?
Sorry, N-sh's been kept busy running the universe so I've been heading up R&D and not being omnipotent myself makes it hard for me to keep him updated.
It's still a few years out, but we have some very promising results.

Not really.

Nice catch.

How do you fight a bully that can un-make history?


  • Lochage
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Reply #77 on: July 01, 2008, 11:14:54 AM

After reading this, I curiously looked up my own username. I am not a 35 year old biker. Or German. Apparently the direct translation of my whole username in German is "run for sale." Does anyone know what that is supposed to mean?

It doesn't mean anything. It's just that the first part of your username (lief) means "ran" as in "he ran" (er lief) and the second part (feil) means "on sale", although "feil" isn't used very often in modern day German.


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Reply #78 on: July 02, 2008, 10:45:47 AM

After reading this, I curiously looked up my own username. I am not a 35 year old biker. Or German. Apparently the direct translation of my whole username in German is "run for sale." Does anyone know what that is supposed to mean?

It doesn't mean anything. It's just that the first part of your username (lief) means "ran" as in "he ran" (er lief) and the second part (feil) means "on sale", although "feil" isn't used very often in modern day German.

Try Dutch then! 'lief' = sweet, cute. 'feil' = shortcoming.  So, in Dutch you're a cute shortcoming. I don't know what your shortcoming is, but you do it in a very sweet way! That is, when you're in Teh Netherlandz!

It is never too late to be what you might have been.


  • Guest
Reply #79 on: August 11, 2008, 01:34:33 AM
Zathras is an interesting character from the BEST SCI-FI SERIES OF ALL TIME.  It's also rarely taken.


Russell Nash

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Reply #80 on: August 11, 2008, 11:12:56 AM
Zathras is an interesting character from the BEST SCI-FI SERIES OF ALL TIME.  It's also rarely taken.


We had a Zathras here before.  I think he changed his SN then dropped out of the forums.  He used a picture of the original Zathras.


  • Hipparch
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Reply #81 on: August 13, 2008, 01:45:43 AM
Zathras is an interesting character from the BEST SCI-FI SERIES OF ALL TIME.  It's also rarely taken.


We had a Zathras here before.  I think he changed his SN then dropped out of the forums.  He used a picture of the original Zathras.

That was me!  I accidently deleted that account and then I came back only to have my profile deleted in the server crash of October / November of 2007.  So now I'm on my third incarnation.

For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.    -  Carl Sagan


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Reply #82 on: August 13, 2008, 02:22:21 AM
We had a Zathras here before.  I think he changed his SN then dropped out of the forums.  He used a picture of the original Zathras.

That was me!  I accidently deleted that account and then I came back only to have my profile deleted in the server crash of October / November of 2007.  So now I'm on my third incarnation.

Wow, you're like Doctor Who!  You're up to Jon Pertwee.  ;D

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising

Hilary Moon Murphy

  • Palmer
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Reply #83 on: September 11, 2008, 10:17:12 PM
I registered for this forum after my first story sale to Steve Eley.  It never occurred to me to use any other username other than my real one.  If I had, though, I would be "Hmm."  Those are my initials, but they also make me look contemplative when I sign my name that way.



  • Palmer
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Reply #84 on: September 11, 2008, 10:51:18 PM
My user name is a double meaning...

I keep a blog over at - Titled "Experiences of an Inland Empire Dad" - here's how I came up with the name...

Here's the brief version...

Why ieDaddy?

i.e.  An abbreviation for id est, a Latin phrase meaning “that is.” It indicates that an explanation or paraphrase is about to follow: “Many workers expect to put in a forty-hour week — i.e., to work eight hours a day.” (Compare e.g.)

dad·dy   (dād’ē)  Pronunciation Key
n.   pl. dad·dies Informal
A father.

I find that I am many things to my daughter.  Jungle gym, pillow, reader of bed time stories, brusher of teeth, and on occasion doctor.  At other times someone to go on walks with, to talk to about her day, or explain why the sky is blue.

But it also refers to how my daughter keeps calling my Tim (which is my name), which for her I guess is natural since she hears everyone else doing it. She’s three at the start of this blog, and so I would keep saying to her, “Honey, you are my daughter and that means you get to call by a special name, i.e. Daddy.”

So I am the IE Daddy

So it's a double meaning so to speak.


  • Guest
Reply #85 on: September 12, 2008, 12:53:50 AM
Zathras is an interesting character from the BEST SCI-FI SERIES OF ALL TIME.  It's also rarely taken.


We had a Zathras here before.  I think he changed his SN then dropped out of the forums.  He used a picture of the original Zathras.

That was me!  I accidently deleted that account and then I came back only to have my profile deleted in the server crash of October / November of 2007.  So now I'm on my third incarnation.

Zathras!  Zathras missed Zathras, so did Zathras.  Zathras mad at Zathras, but not Zathras.