This might be the one community where I don't need to explain where my username came from.
I use it pretty much everywhere online, though I'm apparently not the only wintermute out there (though I might be the only one who insists on lower case: There is only one Wintermute, and I am not It), so I sometimes need to add the numbers 23 or 115 to then end.
After reading this, I curiously looked up my own username. I am not a 35 year old biker. Or German. Apparently the direct translation of my whole username in German is "run for sale." Does anyone know what that is supposed to mean?
It actually took me a while to come up with. "Lief" is archaic and means ready or willing, and "feil" is Norwegian for "wrong", so it's "willing to be wrong". And it's a palindrome... I like languages.
And yes, I am of the generation that has their worldly achievements posted online, and so likes a little privacy in some areas. For a while, my photo was the first hit when my high school was Googled. No one could figure out why. It was sort of creepy.